Well, a couple of frustrating days at the house in Blantyre. Yesterday the broadband failed and the sky tv went off line so that was a quiet evening. Not too worried about the tele but it can be useful when the internet is down! I did change rooms yesterday as the one left by the other consultant was a more spacious than mine so I took the chance to appropriate it fairly smartly.
Today on the dot of 18:00 the power failed. This is, I'm told, not too unusual as there is a limited supply in the Malawi and they rotate the power so that everyone gets some. Or, if you listen to my cook/housekeeper when asked what had happened to the power replied, "The President has got it!". An interesting viewpoint.
Anyway it could be worse as I'm able to compose this using a candle and headtorch, although you would have thought a pencil would have been easier! So life is settling down and I have an invite to go for a ramble at the weekend although I don't think I will have transport so probably won't go, but I'm sure there will be other opportunities.
Work is ticking over with a few meetings booked and some planning for a presentation next week in full swing so that is keeping us busy at the moment. I'm starting to feel part of the team now and have found my way around some local shops at lunch time, all of which helps the settling in process.
So, I'll sign off until another day.
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