Saturday, 26 February 2011

Training sessions part 2

Just completed the second day of training with Lucy from Challenges. Some really thought provoking discussions and interesting information. Some not so good stuff but I suspect that the value of that will only become apparent when I'm actually in Malawi. Looking forward to tomorrow now to see more of what the delivery will be about.

Also met Mike who will be with me for some of my time in Malawi and he's got experience of Africa so that's sure to be a handy addition for me.

Spent and hour walking around Edinburgh and discovered what a great city it is. Also very tempted to order a kilt with all the trimmings, but decided that I really don't have the legs for it!

Out for a meal again with Carolyn [sp!] and Neil, the others on the training. Good meal with them last night so looking forward to this one.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Training sessions

Preparing to go to Edinburgh to take part in the training session prior to going out to Malawi. Flying up Friday am and really keen on the early start!

Looking forward to meeting other consultants and finding out more about the training that I will be presenting to the in country consultants.